One payer system in healthcare wont work in America because the only way to make it affordable is to socialize healthcare. Socializing healthcare would be a monumental task of changing the profit based system into a completely non-profit system.
Utilizing the private healthcare system to care for the poor and under insured was never a good idea. It would be much better to employ a partial non profit basic healthcare package for the poor and under insured. While using the private system for major medical concerns and necessary specialized care.
The private system working in accordance with a non profit basic care facility system format would drastically reduce costs and create more opportunities for the poor to receive major medical and specialized diagnosis and treatment when called for.
*Non profit basic care hospitals, in community, supported by the cities and states, working along with the private sector in providing a broad spectrum of care would be the best solution to the coverage and costs problems in the healthcare system in America.
We need some non profit facilities in the system but not a total non profit system. The two payer system is the way to go but the system we have now needs modifications.
Care and treatment in certain facilities, costs an extreme amount, more than in non profit facilities.
Basic diagnosis and treatment of patients should not be conducted in facilities that are geared towards major medical operational functions, or major medical and specialized care.
A non profit facility that can give the patient diagnosis and treatment for minor ailments can also refer patients to other facilities if warranted by the physician. A basic treatment schedule after diagnosis in a clinical setting that can give proper diagnostics will cost at least one fifth of the costs for the same exact care in a major medical clinic.
A system that effectively utilizes non profit in basic care and incorporates private care for major medical such as hospitals and specialty clinics is the best system.
Not for profit care centers in communities that specialize in minor treatment and basic diagnosis with testing, are what is needed.
Clinics or basic care hospitals, like general hospitals doing checks on colds, flu shots, blood sugar screening, initial diagnosis on minor complaints, and minor treatments and basic in clinic care, is what cuts costs out of basic care. The reason is because of facility expenses to treat patients for minor care issues. It isn't the bill that is sent out that reflects the true cost of the care the patient receives, it's the actual expense per patient in the facility that is five times the cost of a basic care facility or clinic. And in reality a lot of times the actual costs are far more than five times more.
Democrats shun the idea of basic care facilities and community hospitals operating in a non profit way. The reason is simple, it's because they want to justify Planned Parenthood clinics. To throw basic diagnostics and primary care in with abortion so that the abortion clinics have a validation to remain and operate under the idea that they are necessary for primary care to other patients.
When it comes to real cost savings the line is drawn at the Planned Parenthood clinic. But it should not be that way.
We need non profit community hospitals that can help to care for Medicare/Medicaid patients. Give initial diagnosis to any patient. Treat patients at a nominal fee level of cost.
This system will save private care. Don't let radical Democrats destroy private healthcare in America. Two payer system can save Americans billions of dollars a month in costs that would otherwise be wasted on over expensive facilities using cost transference.
Up to 80% of the actual expense of patient care for minor medical treatment can be transferred to other bills to spread the costs out evenly in the facility. In this case, the bill is not the actual expense of care.
This is called cost transference. Cost transference hides the actual expenses of patient care in facilities that don't need to be used for minor care concerns. Unless the patients insurance is charged the actual amount the the care costs the facility to provide. 2500 dollars for checking diaper rash, in actual expenses, would be a good example. While the bill may be three hundred dollars, the rest of the charge is placed on other services to cover it. There is no profit in this activity. It is really completely unnecessary and a huge waste of time and money.
You don't get better diaper rash checks by spending more money in actual expense per patient. In those facilities, it doesn't matter what the minor treatment is, the truth is that it isn't necessary. If people want to pay out of pocket or have the insurance billed for the actual costs, fine. But if not, the practice needs to be stopped.
Cutting costs on minor medical treatment and diagnostics is simple and doable. It should be done with cooperation by anyone who wants to save the medical system in America. Basic non profit care facilities wont cost private care a penny. Community hospitals can help take 40% of the waste in unnecessary expense out of the present system.
That is what is needed, now.
One payer system wont work. Two payer system will.
Better care. More coverage. Less cost. Save money. That's what we need.