Medicaid with supplemental insurance. That would be the best overall system for Medicaid patients. Medicaid with supplemental private insurance is the best policy.
Like Medicare except Medicaid. That would help people and take some of the costs out of federal government expenditures. Saving the government tax dollars and giving better care to the poor. Sounds like a winner!
All Americans deserve standard -equal rights in medical care. Equal rights to standard medical care should be the basic fundamental right of all citizens. This is the place to start in dealing with a legislative bill in Washington.
The right to care should be guaranteed to all Americans. Policies that help to cover costs, and regulating programs should be built around the right to adequate care, first.
Minor care facilities that are non profit can take some of the cost out of the overall expenditures. Supplemental policies paid for by the working people who have Medicaid should be the model of coverage.
Community facilities operating on a non profit basis that handle initial diagnosis and referrals, with emphasis on minor ailments, to treat, with major ailment diagnosis referred out to hospitals and specialized care. Some non profit support is needed in a system that employs private care to treat everyone.