“Jock Itch”
The jock itch is yup my nose
The jock itch between my toes
The jock itch goes where it goes
Itching and scratching through my clothes
The jock itch always knows
Turn up the volume, high and low
Gives to the world what it owes
The anger it feels
Is what it shows.
Don Robbins 3/31/2017
"Sonic Wave Power Punch!"
artwork and designed by me. NewC
T Shirts
This version is not on T Shirt yet. The transparent style was going to be my next design but I liked the purple background better on the T Shirt as I noticed it during the uploading of the work. At Merch.
If your a StumbleUpon reader-writer, stay up all nighter- you probably noticed my blog was down for a while. Eventually there was another account opened and there is some access to the old site. I still get traffic from older posts. Like from years ago. This became a problem with deleting older search links that go to dead pages. Artworks that I haven't carried in print at the online shops are still on the hosting services archives, like older StumbleUpon sites.
Most of my traffic, visits, comes from archives on my blog and StumbleUpon. You can see why they went from a small social networking sharing site to one of the most sought after ad sites on the net. The new format is really enjoyable. The first share I did on the new site was the slide for crocodiles.
My site submissions were like an art gallery. Some of those older works must be pretty bad. I think I have improved over the years. I think that the new Action Rider works may be a commercial success. Or at least not a complete failure.
The poem about jock itch was submitted for approval to Poetry.com
I get the Poem A Day on my email at outlook.com.
I enjoy the poems.
Hopefully they will ad "Jock Itch" to the poem contest winners.
"Tomorrow is a good day."