Making up things from one's own imagination, lends the story teller to a part of the psychological makeup that is referred to as the metaphoric factory of mystical reasoning. This type of reasoning has characteristics attached to it. Like other stories and facts that are not necessarily true that need to be believed in order for the storyteller to get their explanation across. Usually to those who are communicated with by the reason of understanding things that are not true. Children often use this tactic of cross reference to explain and give substantiation to their claims of truth in the story they've made up.
In children, cute. In adults who are world leaders and politicians, not so cute.
Quoting important friends that wouldn't lie is one of those cross references that are employed to entice agreement and validation from the listener.
They have credible friends in high places. Sometimes from the past. Where made up quotes live and refitting the 302 with 305 heads is a reality.
Runs great! In the mystical metaphor land.....
A pretty good way to determine that someone is making up stories from Russia who has friends in the U.S. government. Mystically speaking......